About DTI

We are a group of economists interested in issues regarding international trade, finance and policy. Our research interests are broad, but a common feature of our approach is the use of dynamic models, reflecting the inherent uncertainty and dynamic structure of the global economy.


Our group is made up of economists from public and private institutions including universities and central banks. Our goal is to foster collaboration on addressing the questions that are central to understanding how the global economy works and the interconnections that link economies.


Our events bring together researchers from across the world to share ideas and disseminate research. See the DTI Events page for details.

  • The annual workshop is a one and one-half day meeting of presentations and collaboration.

  • The virtual international trade and macroeconomics seminar (VITM) is our response to the wide cancellation of seminars and conferences caused by social distancing measures. It offers an easy way for anyone interested in international economics to contribute.